prepare for corona virus

How to Prepare for the Upcoming Months During Coronavirus Uncertainty

More Prepared

Even though it’s only been about two months since the coronavirus caused us to lockdown here in the U.S., it can feel more like a lifetime. In fact, many of us are feeling kind of like the days are blending together. It’s making a lot of us wonder and ask ourselves a few questions. When will this finally end? Will life ever be the same? How do we stay safe and prepared? What can we learn from this when it’s finally all over? What are some ways to ensure that we are prepared if anything like this happens again? While no one has the exact answers to these questions, there are some things we do to stay safe now and prepare ourselves for the uncertain and challenging upcoming months.

Try to have enough food to last you and your family for 3 months.

There is growing concern that even if all of the lockdowns are lifted that we could see another wave of lockdowns in the summer months and beyond. Additionally, the unemployment rate is at 13 percent and growing, so there is more risk every day that we could become jobless. This could mean home confinement even worse than it is now. For this reason, we recommend that you do your best to have enough food to last you and your family for three months.

Be Sure To Stock Up On Other Food Responsibly

It’s irresponsible to go into a grocery store and panic buy items. This is why most grocers have implemented a limited buy policy on items that have been depleted. Making matters worse is the food supply chain being disrupted for meats like chicken and beef because workers are infected with the virus. While some stores are replenishing their supplies, shortages could come back again at any time. We recommend stocking up on kitchen staples like meats, bread, and eggs as much as you can. This is also a great time to brush up on your long-term food storage and preservation skills.

Go Out In Public With Safety And Health in Mind

Every time you leave your home and go out into public, be sure to wear your face covering. We also recommend wearing some kind of gloves, either disposable ones or gloves you can wash when you get home. It doesn’t hurt to wear long clothing and wash it immediately when you get home as well. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant are hard to come by these days, but you can make your own in a pinch.

We Will Get Through This Together

The coronavirus pandemic is scary, challenging, and uncertain. But we will all get through this the same way we get through all challenging times - by working together. Take this advice as well as some of our other posts on our blog. Be sure to check out our previous COVID-19 related blog posts on staying prepared during the pandemic, a guide on how to clean and to sanitize everything, as well as some things you might not have thought about.

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