
Are you tired of selling wrapping paper, candy and magazines year after year? Why not offer a product that is unique and useful to your families and reduce the time spent collecting and distributing orders?

Help your friends, families and neighbors get prepared while raising needed funds for your organization. It's a win-win! Here's how it works:

  1. Click here to download the fundraiser application form.
  2. Send in your application by email to or call us with questions.
  3. A custom landing page will welcome your families and friends who wish to participate. Your personal message, organization, and a selection of products you would most like to promote will be shown here. Instructions on how to proceed along with your unique promo code will be provided to make sure your school or organization receives credit for the sale.
  4. A custom flyer can also be provided showing your school/organization name and logo along with a few key products and details about the fundraiser. You will receive a PDF of the flyer which can be printed to be placed in back-to-school packages or emailed out. Emails are a great way to promote the fundraiser as they can be forwarded to friends and family in every state.
  5. Your job is to promote the fundraiser by email, in your newsletters, with flyers, on your website, or at key events. Your fundraiser can run for as little as one week to as long as six months. We recommend an average of no longer than one month to keep it relevant and in the forefront of people's minds but still giving them enough time to shop, spread the word, and place their order.
  6. Your families and friends will simply go online to and browse the hundreds of products we offer including home and car emergency kits, food and water with a long shelf-life, first aid items, and other preparedness supplies. They place their order using the promo code which will identify the sale as being from your school. Orders are shipped directly to them or if they are local in the Los Angeles area, they may save on shipping by using our convenient curbside pickup in Torrance. You don’t take sales orders so there’s nothing to distribute or deliver.
  7. No need to worry about bank deposits, bounced checks, or cumbersome spreadsheets. We do all the work for you.

It's easy to promote and sell, with no labor required for delivery or distribution. You are selling something everyone needs!

How much does our school or organization make?

Your school or organization will earn 20% of the gross sales received during the fundraiser period. This total excludes tax, shipping and any items which are on sale or discontinued. You will receive a check no later than 30 days after the end of the fundraiser period. Note: The promo code must be used for your school to get credit. Sales taxes apply in CA, WA, AZ and UT.

It’s that simple! If you have any questions, please contact us at