long term food storage

4 Ways Storing Food for the Long-Term Empowers You and Your Family

More Prepared

Whether you are preparing food storage as a part of your emergency preparedness, or just looking to save money or develop a way for your family to bond - storing food for the long term has several empowering benefits. Even the most dedicated preppers and emergency preparedness experts might be surprised how long-term food storage can feel empowering. Keep reading for four reasons why storing food long-term can empower you and your family.

Long-Term Food Storage Saves Money

Learning lifelong food storage skills like canning and pickling can help you save a lot of money, but they can also help you survive. Our ancestors knew this less than a century ago, but since the widespread invention of supermarkets and restaurants, many of us have forgotten this fact. Did you know? Learning how to store our food is what helped our species survive as humans. Weekly trips to the grocery store or eating out often can be pricey. Storing and properly rotating your food inspires more home cooking, which is the most financially sound way to get your three squares a day. Even replacing one trip to your favorite restaurant per week with a delicious home-cooked meal can put some serious coin back in your pocket.

Long-Term Food Storage Frees Up Time

If you are reading our blog, you most likely understand that emergencies and disasters can and will strike at any time. When you store and properly rotate your food, you won’t have to worry about where your meals are coming from. In addition, when you know what you and your family will be eating during a disaster or emergency, you won’t have to waste precious time focusing on meals. Instead, you can focus your energy on other things that are crucial for disaster survival: like figuring out proper evacuation routes, communicating with neighbors and officials, or getting involved with rescues or cleanups if you can.

Long-Term Food Storage Offers Peace of Mind

In addition to saving time and money, long-term food storage can offer family bonding. This can offer you peace of mind knowing that your family is prepared with one of the most important emergency preparedness staples - solid food storage. Learning how to preserve and store food also is a great way to bond as a family. Who knows? The kids might even learn to love storing food and cooking their own meals!

It Can Improve Your Family’s Health

In addition to all of the above, storing and cooking more at home can also improve your family’s health. Ask any nutritionist and they will tell you, most modern-day restaurants aren’t famous for proper portion control. Eating out at restaurants, even the healthiest ones, can leave us confused as to how many calories we are actually consuming. Additionally, a selling point for a lot of eateries is to offer the largest portions possible. When storing your own food and cooking at home, you are in control!

Getting Started

While you certainly won’t become a food storage expert overnight, it’s never too late to start. There are many amazing resources available online that can help you learn how to get started with food storage on a budget. Scroll through our blog for some examples on this very topic!

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