survival tips

Learning These Life-Saving Techniques Could Save Yours!

More Prepared

Here at More Prepared, we always strive to help people build their survival kits, because you can never be too careful. Preparing yourself for a natural disaster is one of the best ways you can save lives, including your own. But building your emergency survival kit is only one step of the process. There are many skill sets and knowledge bases that you should also know to keep your family safe or maybe even save a life. For instance, are you certified in CPR and First Aid? Even if you don’t have a current certification, these are survival and life-saving techniques that agencies like FEMA and the Red Cross both recommend that everyone learn. Unfortunately, too few people take the time to learn the techniques that could save their own lives! Here are some certifications and life-saving lessons that we recommend everyone look into:


This crucial life-saving survival technique stands for Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, and it is by far the most important on this list. Those who get certified in CPR will understand exactly the steps to take if someone has a heart attack or a stroke and can’t breathe. Due to the added stress of dealing with an emergency scenario, this increases the chances of these potentially life-threatening occurrences. Getting certified in CPR will help you stay calm during medical emergencies, and teach you how to provide life-saving air. If you’re interested in getting CPR certified, your local Red Cross or YMCA facilities will help you with that.

First Aid

This is the second most important survival technique on this list. A first aid certification will help you know what to do during an emergency situation. Natural disasters can lead to scrapes, cuts and sometimes broken bones, and knowing how to treat these injuries makes you an invaluable resource. Just like with CPR, Red Cross or YMCA facilities in your area offer these certification classes for a small fee.

Basic Auto Maintenance

In the event of an emergency, roadside assistance services might not be available. Everyone should understand how to change a flat tire, put some oil in their engines, or get/ give a jump if a car won’t start.

Basic Outdoor Skills

Just like many people don’t know how to change their oil or a flat tire, the same is true for a lack of knowledge when it comes to outdoor skills. You might be stranded outside in the event of an emergency, so learning skills like how to purify water, how to start a fire, or how to identify edible wild plants could save lives.

Swimming Lessons

One of the leading causes of death in the event of an emergency is due to drowning. Even people who think they are good swimmers could benefit from these lessons, and it makes a great family activity that could end up saving your life.

Medical Treatment for Pets

Our pets are dear to us, but other than veterinarians, how many of us know what to do if a pet is choking, or how to stop them from bleeding? Check out for more information and potential lessons in your area. Getting your first aid certification or taking these other lessons can be fun and engaging for the whole family. You might even connect with a neighbor that could help you in an emergency!

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