5 Tips to Avoid a Miserable Disaster Experience
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Emergencies and natural disasters are often terrible experiences for everyone, but there are things you can do to avoid them being worse than they have to be. Disaster experiences are often insufferably miserable for those who must endure them. However, if you take the following five tips to heart and take action by adding them to your emergency preparing efforts, you can drastically reduce the misery and make it through an emergency or a disaster scenario.
Be sure to keep food storage and other essential supplies.
This includes dried fruit, nuts, canned goods and anything that has a long shelf life. Be sure to avoid foods that spoil quickly. It is an excellent idea to learn how to store food for a long time that you can do yourself. More on that in the step below Here are some emergency kits that include dried food that can last up to five years. They also include key emergency items that will help aid in your survival like flashlights, medical supplies, ponchos, blankets and flashlights.
Learn new skills.
There are many resources available online that can help you develop some invaluable survival skills like how to can and pickle food, how to grow your own food, and so on. Learning some outdoor skills like how to build a fire, spot edible wild plants and understanding how to navigate long distances on foot can help you survive in an emergency scenario.
A 72-hour kit is essential.
FEMA and the Red Cross recommend that every household keep at least enough food and water for 72 hours for each person living in your home. This includes a gallon of water per person per day. So if you have 3 people living in your home, you should store a minimum of 9 gallons of water for drinking. It’s also a good idea to store some extra water for bathing and cooking. If you have pets, be sure to keep some water for them as well.
Evacuate as soon as possible. Do not hesitate.
Be sure to have an evacuation plan in place before a disaster strikes. This includes travel routes, and so on. If you have pets, don’t leave them behind!
Save as much money as you can.
Even those of us who live paycheck to paycheck can put a little aside to make sure we have a little extra to get us through an emergency scenario. Even as little as $10 per month can mean a big difference when you really need it the most. It also wouldn’t hurt to add some extra cash to your emergency kit when you can, as ATMs and other banking services often aren’t available during natural disasters and emergency events. Trying to survive in the event of a disaster or emergency can be miserable for anyone who isn’t prepared. And of course, these five tips will just get you started. Be sure to read the rest of our blog here at More Prepared for more valuable information on ways to increase your chances of survival in the event of a disaster.