Customer Account
If you are interested in doing business with More Prepared and would like to open an account, click here to download our credit application and submit it at your convenience. Once we have received it, we will contact you with any questions and let you know when an account is approved. This process generally takes a minimum of one week or longer depending on how quickly your references respond to our requests. You may check in with us at any time if you have any questions or would like to check on the status of your application.
In order to set up More Prepared as a vendor in your system, you may need a W-9 form. For your convenience, it is available for download here. Any other forms that you need us to fill out can be sent to us and we will get it back to you as soon as possible. Once your account has been approved, you may purchase online or by PO up to the approved credit limit. Terms are typically Net 30. Should payments be late, More Prepared reserves the right to terminate your account and require a credit card or payment up front for any future orders.
Download: Credit Application
Download: W-9 Form