Protecting Yourself From Corona Virus

Your Cleaning and Disinfection Guide to Protecting Yourself From Coronavirus

More Prepared

We wrote a few weeks ago in our blog about how the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the COVID-19 infectious disease a worldwide pandemic. Since then, things haven’t seemed to improve - in fact, they’ve gotten worse, with cases increasing daily. You might be tempted to make a mad dash to the grocery store to stock up. It doesn’t hurt to do so, but most stores now have a one item per customer limit because of people hoarding products - so don’t be that person. All of this uncertainty is disorienting and can be even downright terrifying. Thankfully, there are ways that you can protect yourself and your family while minimizing your chances of contracting coronavirus and well as lowering the chances of spreading it. One of the main things you can do is to disinfect everything and keep it clean - yourself, your kids, and your home.

How to Stay Coronavirus-Free

Wash Your Hands

You’ve probably heard it a million times by now, but that’s for a reason. Always wash your hands thoroughly after you use the bathroom, sneeze, or cough. Avoid touching your face with unclean hands. This is a tough one for most people because touching our faces if we have an itch is something we don’t even think about. Don’t stress too much, just wash your hands again. The WHO recommends that you wash your hands for 20 seconds. Here are their specific instructions for proper handwashing. Hand sanitizer is at a premium right now, but if you can still find any - that can work, too. Also be sure to moisturize your hands as well, because dry and cracked hands are more susceptible to all infections, not just COVID-19. Most moisturizers will do, as most have main ingredients that are water and glycerin.

Disinfect Your Home

Disinfect your home every day. Use disinfectant wipes if you have some or can find them in stores. Clean first, and then disinfect - there is a difference. Pay close attention to high traffic areas like bathrooms and kitchen surfaces. Also be sure to disinfect tabletops, counters, light switches, faucets, remote controls, doorknobs, and so on. Also disinfect your mobile devices, tablets, etc. These devices are hotbeds for germs even in normal times. If you can’t find any disinfectant wipes, you can make a homemade solution using water and rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If you can’t find that either, bleach can work in a pinch - just be sure to wear gloves if you have to use bleach and be careful with it.

Try Not to Leave the House

If you can manage to do so, stay at home as much as possible. Everyone is at risk for contracting coronavirus, not just senior citizens and those with preexisting health conditions. If you do have to leave home, be sure to practice social distancing and stay 6-feet away from everyone at all times. When you come home, wash all of your clothing immediately. Laundry detergent will kill the virus.

A Message from More Prepared About Coronavirus

If you would rather not venture out to the grocery store and want it delivered to you, you can always check out our emergency food supplies page. If you do order something, please be aware that we are experiencing a demand we haven’t seen before. As is a similar case with Amazon and other online retailers, you may experience limited and out-of-stock items as well as cancellations on orders. We are working tirelessly to restore our stock of items, and we appreciate your patience during this troubling time. We are all in this together, and we will get through it. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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